Heft 1/2003

Die aktuellen Ausgaben sind nur für OVG-Mitglieder online als PDF-Download verfügbar. Zum Download müssen Sie sich rechts oben anmelden.

The Austrian Geoid - Recent Steps to a New Solution

IVS Pilot Project - Tropospheric Parameters

Determination of Tropospheric Parameters by VLBI as a Contribution to Climatological Studies

VLBIONOS - Probing the Ionosphere by Means of Very Long Baseline Interferometry

Results of Modelling GPS Satellite Clocks

Estimation of the Tropospheric Delay from GNSS Data over the Austrian Territory

Integration of GNSS and Loran-C

Means of Navigation for Automatic Level Crossing Control and the Concept of the ECORAIL Project

Development of a Vertical Comparator for System Calibration of Digital Levels

Evaluation of the Vibrational Spectrum of High Slim Towers with Wind Electrical Turbines

Combined Evaluation of Geodetic and Geotechnical Data during Tunnel Excavation by Use of a Knowledge-Based System

A Fuzzy System for the Assessment of Landslide Monitoring Data

OASYS - Integrated Optimization of Landslide Alert Systems