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Anka Lisec
Wir haben 3 Artikel von und mit Anka Lisec gefunden.
Der Beitrag von Kataster und Geodaten zur Liegenschaftsbewertung - Von Einheitswerten zu neuen Steuermesszahlen für Liegenschaften
Liegenschaften waren schon immer eine attraktive Quelle für Steuereinnahmen. Sie sind einfach zu identifizieren, können nicht verborgen werden und sind unbeweglich. Im 20. Jahrhundert haben sich die Ansätze zur Abschätzung des Wertes einer Liegenschaft, bedingt durch die Verlagerung der ökonomischen Bedeutung von den Agrarflächen hin zu den städtischen Bereichen als Ergebnis des Übergangs von einer Agrarwirtschaft zu einer post-industriellen Gesellschaft, dramatisch geändert. Daher wurde die marktwertbasierte Vergleichsmethode welche auf echten Transaktionen beruht zum Standard für die Liegenschaftsbewertung. Der Artikel zeigt die Eignung flächendeckend verfügbarer Geodaten für ein zukünftiges Massenbewertungssystem in Österreich auf. Öffentliche Verfügbarkeit von Marktwerten hat viele Vorteile und verbessert die Transparenz und Effizienz des Liegenschaftsmarktes. Der Kataster dient dabei als Werkzeug zur räumlichen Verknüpfung aller relevanten Geodaten und wertbestimmenden Parameter als Eingangsgrößen für die Massenbewertung.
Real property always has been an attractive source of tax revenues. It can easily be identified, cannot be hidden and is immovable. During the last century, the approaches for estimating the value of real estate significantly have changed, as the economic focus has shifted from agricultural land parcels to urban properties as a result of the transformation of the economy from an agricultural to a post-industrial society. As a consequence, the market valuebased comparison valuation comparing actual property transactions became the commonly used approach for valuation.The article outlines the possible use of countrywide available geodata for a future mass valuation system in Austria. Public availability of market values has multiple benefits and improves the transparency and efficiency of the real estate market.The Cadastral System serves herby as a tool to link all the relevant geodata and value-setting parameters as input for the mass valuation.
Liegenschaften waren schon immer eine attraktive Quelle für Steuereinnahmen. Sie sind einfach zu identifizieren, können nicht verborgen werden und sind unbeweglich. Im 20. Jahrhundert haben sich die Ansätze zur Abschätzung des Wertes einer Liegenschaft, bedingt durch die Verlagerung der ökonomischen Bedeutung von den Agrarflächen hin zu den städtischen Bereichen als Ergebnis des Übergangs von einer Agrarwirtschaft zu einer post-industriellen Gesellschaft, dramatisch geändert. Daher wurde die marktwertbasierte Vergleichsmethode welche auf echten Transaktionen beruht zum Standard für die Liegenschaftsbewertung. Der Artikel zeigt die Eignung flächendeckend verfügbarer Geodaten für ein zukünftiges Massenbewertungssystem in Österreich auf. Öffentliche Verfügbarkeit von Marktwerten hat viele Vorteile und verbessert die Transparenz und Effizienz des Liegenschaftsmarktes. Der Kataster dient dabei als Werkzeug zur räumlichen Verknüpfung aller relevanten Geodaten und wertbestimmenden Parameter als Eingangsgrößen für die Massenbewertung.
Real property always has been an attractive source of tax revenues. It can easily be identified, cannot be hidden and is immovable. During the last century, the approaches for estimating the value of real estate significantly have changed, as the economic focus has shifted from agricultural land parcels to urban properties as a result of the transformation of the economy from an agricultural to a post-industrial society. As a consequence, the market valuebased comparison valuation comparing actual property transactions became the commonly used approach for valuation.The article outlines the possible use of countrywide available geodata for a future mass valuation system in Austria. Public availability of market values has multiple benefits and improves the transparency and efficiency of the real estate market.The Cadastral System serves herby as a tool to link all the relevant geodata and value-setting parameters as input for the mass valuation.
Liegenschaftsbewertung Wertermittlung Immobilien-Massenbewertungssystem Geodaten Grund steuer Kataster
Liegenschaftsbewertung Wertermittlung Immobilien-Massenbewertungssystem Geodaten Grund steuer Kataster
Can European Graduates fulfil the Expectations of Slovenian (Private) Enterprises?
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Liberalization of services and international recognition of professional competences are a topical issue of the international agenda. In the European Union, an additional challenge is the EU market, which provides the framework for free trade in professional services within the EU member states. Consequently, the professional qualifications, which have to meet the labour market needs, have to be recognized on the international level. The competences of the graduates and whether these competences are in line with the demands of the employment areas (in particular of the private enterprises) are discussed in connection to the field of surveying in Slovenia. In addition, some main findings regarding the requirements of the European enterprises in the surveying profession are given, based on the research within the framework of the EEGECS (European Education in Geodetic Engineering, Cartography and Surveying). We try to emphasize the importance of collaboration between private/public sector and higher educational institutions in order to develop and/or adjust higher educational programmes to the technological and methodological development, and to the market needs, which would fulfil wide spectrum of the market needs.
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Liberalization of services and international recognition of professional competences are a topical issue of the international agenda. In the European Union, an additional challenge is the EU market, which provides the framework for free trade in professional services within the EU member states. Consequently, the professional qualifications, which have to meet the labour market needs, have to be recognized on the international level. The competences of the graduates and whether these competences are in line with the demands of the employment areas (in particular of the private enterprises) are discussed in connection to the field of surveying in Slovenia. In addition, some main findings regarding the requirements of the European enterprises in the surveying profession are given, based on the research within the framework of the EEGECS (European Education in Geodetic Engineering, Cartography and Surveying). We try to emphasize the importance of collaboration between private/public sector and higher educational institutions in order to develop and/or adjust higher educational programmes to the technological and methodological development, and to the market needs, which would fulfil wide spectrum of the market needs.
Professional Competences of Surveying (Geodetic) Engineers
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Globalisation, as a process and a condition of the space for higher education, dictates the guidelines for development of study programmes. A special challenge has appeared in the fields depending on the fast developing information technology, including spatial information science, and in the fields of licensed disciplines such as land surveying. Due historical reasons, surveying, geodesy and cartography have been often part of a common academic study programme in the most European countries. The competences of classical surveying, geodetic, and cartographic higher educational programmes have been changing and new areas are developing rapidly. In the article, we focused on competences of the surveying (geodetic) higher education in todays society, where findings of actual international discussions are summarised. Furthermore, the renovation of higher study programmes of surveying in Slovenia is presented (official translation is geodesy), which has been partly influenced by historical facts, and current European and international guidelines in higher education of surveying and geodesy. In this respect, the competences of the new higher educational programmes of surveying (geodesy) in Slovenia are presented.
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Globalisation, as a process and a condition of the space for higher education, dictates the guidelines for development of study programmes. A special challenge has appeared in the fields depending on the fast developing information technology, including spatial information science, and in the fields of licensed disciplines such as land surveying. Due historical reasons, surveying, geodesy and cartography have been often part of a common academic study programme in the most European countries. The competences of classical surveying, geodetic, and cartographic higher educational programmes have been changing and new areas are developing rapidly. In the article, we focused on competences of the surveying (geodetic) higher education in todays society, where findings of actual international discussions are summarised. Furthermore, the renovation of higher study programmes of surveying in Slovenia is presented (official translation is geodesy), which has been partly influenced by historical facts, and current European and international guidelines in higher education of surveying and geodesy. In this respect, the competences of the new higher educational programmes of surveying (geodesy) in Slovenia are presented.