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- 2011 - 99. Jahrgang
2011 - 99. Jahrgang
Heft 2/2011
Austrian Contributions to the XXV General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, June 27 - July 8, 2011, Melbourne, Australia
Enthaltene Fachbeiträge dieser Ausgabe- Preface Special Issue
- GRACE-derived land-hydrological mass changes and their impact on relative sea-level variations
- Automated Detection and Interpretation of Geomorphic Features in LiDAR Point Clouds
- The Race Against Time In Alpine Regions By Satellite-Based Technologies
- Global combination gravity field model based on GOCE and GRACE data
- Quality Assessment of Different GNSS/IMS-Integrations
- Impact of glacier changes on the local gravity field by numerical forward modelling and applicability studies using GOCE gravity gradients for regional gravity field solutions by Least Squares Collocation
- GNSS/IMU integration for the precise determination of highly kinematic flight trajectories
- The development of enhanced algorithms for rapid precise point positioning
- Atmospheric effects on the Earth gravity field featured by TU Vienna
- Regional Ionosphere Models for Improving GNSS Navigation
- Active tectonic deformation at the transition from the European and Pannonian domain monitored by a local GNSS network
- Ray-traced tropospheric slant delays in VLBI analysis
- 20 years of International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters (ICAG) at the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) in Paris with participation of the BEV
- Automatic Registration of Laser Scanner Point Clouds with Genetic Algorithms
- Precise Point Positioning - Towards Real-Time Applications
- Estimating platform kinematics using multi-antenna GNSS
- Dynamic strain measurements using embedded fiber optic sensors
Heft 1/2011
Enthaltene Fachbeiträge dieser Ausgabe- Zur Einführung der Berufsordnung der Öffentlich bestellten Vermessungsingenieure in Österreich 1940
- Extensible 3D - Eine XML-basierte Beschreibungssprache zur Kommunikation 3-dimensinoaler Geo-Daten
- Verleihung der Friedrich Hopfner-Medaille an Univ.Prof. Dr. Manfred Buchroithner
- Laudatio anlässlich der Verleihung der Friedrich Hopfner-Medaille am 10. November 2010 an Prof. Manfred Buchroithner
- Kartographie - eine selbständige, integrative und spannende Wissenschaft